Don’t Want to Work? Ways to Get Motivated to Work


Learning how to get motivated to work every day is a common issue, regardless of whether you enjoy or despise your job. It goes without saying that finding motivation for work is difficult if you despise your job. However, even if you enjoy your job, there will be mornings when you claw at the walls to get out of bed.
It's easy to get stuck in a rut and become bored with your job, and eventually your enthusiasm for it fades. However, if you always motivate yourself to come to work every day, you will notice the following benefits:


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  • Increased energy levels to prepare for work.
  • More eagerness to confront challenges as they arise.
  • Longer-term results that are more consistent.

If going to work every day were simple, everyone would do it, and businesses would not lose $84 billion per year[1]. However, organizations try to motivate you with bonuses, promotions, attendance awards, company luaus, virtual dog shows, and pizza.
Not to say that these incentives should be eliminated, but organizations are passing up a huge opportunity to teach you how to be motivated at work. Rather than judging on the organization for motivation, you can take steps to energize yourself.

Do you lack motivation at work? Try These Ideas

Everyone is prone to a lack of motivation. If you're wondering how to get motivated at work, we've compiled a list of suggestions for you to consider.

1. Make your internal dialogue enjoyable and engaging.

Be your own cheerleader rather than a dictator. Instead of judging terms like should and have to use positive words of possibility and encouragement like 'I can,' 'I want,' 'I desire,' and 'I will.' This is one of the most effective methods for finding work motivation.
Include a mental or physical representation of the task that was successfully completed. Consider the positive consequences of its completion.

2. Remind yourself of the "Why" you work.

Employees are often motivated by external factors such as accolades, bonuses, and job promotions. These may feel good, but they are merely a "sugar high" that does not last.
Consider your own motivation to be something that comes from within. The simplest way to identify these internal sources of motivation is to discover your personal "why," which will fuel your long journey ahead[2].

For example, maybe you're going to work early every day for a week to appease your boss, lay the groundwork for a raise, or finish a project that's been weighing on your mind for a while.
It's similar to losing weight for a class reunion or a beach vacation. While both are definitely motivating factors for losing weight, they are rarely sustained in the long run.
Consider how your workday motivation changes when you consider the example you want to set for your children, how you want to help your long-term coworkers overall, or how you believe in the mission of your company.
Perhaps you simply believe that your current job allows you to learn and prepare for the next step in your career.These are deeper, more meaningful reasons that will assist you in learning how to become and remain motivated at work.

3. Preparation is essential.

Make a plan for the next day before you go to bed. That way, when you wake up in the morning, you won't be running through a thousand different scenarios in your head, anxious about everything you have to do. You know that when you get to your desk, there is a fully mapped out game plan waiting to be attacked.
Not only does doing this the night before reduce your stress levels, but it also creates an organized path to productivity for the first critical hours of the day, giving you the momentum you need to carry through the rest of the tasks that come across your desk .

4. Use the Hemingway Method.

Nothing boosts work motivation like momentum, and Ernest Hemingway used it brilliantly. His strategy was to leave the last chapter or paragraph of the day unfinished, especially if he knew exactly how it would end.
Then, the next day, when he sat down at his desk, he could immediately begin writing and build momentum for the rest of his day. He'd never be stuck at his desk, uncertain of what to do next.
You can use this technique to boost your motivation at work. Instead of staying late on Friday or working over the weekend to finish your work, choose a stopping point strategically so that when you return to work on Monday, you know exactly what to do next. This kind of energy will carry you through the day.

5. Locate a Trigger

Do you know what drives you to put in the effort? If not, try creating a personal prompt to start each day. Every now and then, you come across something that gives you a massive burst of inspiration. This is critical for understanding what motivates you to do a good job. It could be a good book, an inspiring sports movie, or a fantastic TED talk that you recently watched. While writing, many writers listen to the same playlist over and over again.
Lin Manuel Miranda, best known for his role in the Broadway musical Hamilton, created a playlist with songs by Fiona Apple and 'Weird Al' Yankovic for when he gets writer's block. It's his cue to get down and dirty—to tap into his creativity. When he hears that song, he knows it's time to get to work.

6. Divide large tasks into smaller goals.

When you know you have a big task or project at work waiting for you, it can really sap your motivation. You'll be anxious even before you arrive. Break down any large tasks you have into smaller objectives to reduce work anxiety and feel better about the day ahead of you.
Assume you have until Friday to prepare a 30-minute presentation. It will feel overwhelming if you approach it as a single large project, but if you plan to work on 10 minutes of that presentation each day, it will feel much more manageable.

7. Know that your efforts will benefit your reputation.

Do you know what drives you to perform well? What if I told you it could help you in the future?
When I consider slacking, I feel as if my reputation is being jeopardized. I imagine my peers thinking to themselves, "he doesn't work hard," but when I work hard and put in that extra effort, I know it won't go unnoticed. Even if it does, I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I did my best.
Do the right thing no matter who is watching because it is the right thing to do. Many times, your efforts may go unnoticed for months, but your efforts will eventually be recognized. What goes around comes around, and you'll know no one can ever say you didn't deserve it. That's what matters.

Last Thoughts

We all have ups and downs, and there will be times when we don't feel like doing anything productive and think to ourselves, "I don't want to work." This is normal, and you can change it. Use any of the above suggestions to help you get motivated for work and improve your overall outlook.
Knowing how to motivate yourself to go to work is essential no matter what job you have. Take the time to implement one of the suggestions above into your weekly routine. As you progress in your career, you may discover that motivation becomes less of an issue.


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